
Lesson plans are organised into anatomy, menstrual health, FGM, and HPV and cancer. Each year group has lessons that are appropriate for age, learning and the wider curriculum.

The lessons follow a spiral curriculum. As children move up the years, their knowledge increases based on the foundations learnt beforehand. The lessons are designed to be inclusive with engaging video content to help embed the learning.

  • Anatomy

    Learning about the outside and inside parts of the female genitalia and reproductive system

  • Menstrual Health

    Finding out what a ‘normal’ period feels and looks like, and how to be healthy during a period

  • HPV and Cancer

    Exploring the reasons for the HPV vaccination, what is does, and the impact it can have on health

  • FGM

    Helping young people understand their rights, what FGM is and how it is harmful to society.

Teach what feels comfortable for you and your students

Some lessons have ‘add-on sessions’. These are small sessions if you have extra time, or if previous learning has been completed on the topic.